
Panta rei... everything flows

altAncient Greek philosophers explored the idea that change is the only constant.  Heraclitus said, “one can never step into the same river twice.”

Change, age-old in essence, lies at the heart of our complex global environment.  Today more than ever we are called to navigate the rapids of change with clear intention and authentic conversations.  The art and practice of continual learning and adaptation are what leaders, teams and organizations need to survive and thrive in our state of permanent white water...

Our Mission

Panta Rei Consulting strengthens leaders, teams, organizations and communities in the design and realization of their preferred futures.  We offer:


  • Organization Development
  • Change Management
  • Leadership Development
  • Working Across Cultures
  • Executive/Individual Coaching
  • Workshop/Retreat Design
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Performance
  • Conflict Transformation
  • Organization Research

How We Engage

We collaborate to create customized experiences that promote vitality in people, and productivity in their projects and initiatives.  The design process includes the appreciation of strengths, core values and practical experience while assessing present need. Together we articulate a vision and create a road map for inspired action, leading to desired outcomes.  Built into the process are strategies for sustaining change over time.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle

All content ©2019 Panta Rei Consulting | Site by Meg McCarthy Design