
Workshop and Retreat Design


Panta Rei offers a variety of workshops and retreats encouraging reflection, dialogue and renewal.  Together we design programs that either “stand alone” or integrate work already in progress.  All programs are geared toward client-specific goals, supported by content that leads to desired outcomes. 
We blend stimulating experiential activities with useful models and practical frameworks.

Lead from the Center is a series of workshops offering emerging and experienced leaders the opportunity for growth. Areas addressed include: personal vision, team leadership, change management, conflict transformation, creative thinking and others, essential for today’s leaders.

Focus: Developing Leaders


The Voice of the Customer develops strategies for bringing your customers or clients into all aspects of your organization’s life. We honestly look at how satisfied your customers are, and develop measures and levers for transforming their current satisfaction into delight.

Focus: High level customer experience


Building a Learning Team is designed for both top leadership and project teams who work towards a common goal. The workshop clarifies mission and goals, strengthens role definition and enhances mutual accountability.

Focus: Operating procedures for improved performance


Trim the Sails offers best practices in strategy-driven cost reduction, planning and downsizing, to enable leaders to bring the best out of their organizations while controlling costs in hard times.

Focus: Strategic planning for stormy weather


Land on Your Feet offers employees who are “let go” an interactive outplacement seminar to renew vocational vision, bolster self-worth and develop marketing skills that lead to job placement.

Focus: Supported action planning during career transition




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